Friday, 31 August 2012


Right.. It's been a minute. Initially I stopped blogging as I was pregnant and extremely sick. Also I stumbled upon Instagram // Tumblr and have been hooked ever since. They are great ways for me to be able to social network and get my artwork out there. The other reason.. I gave birth to my son unexpectedly at 7months pregnant he was born on 19th of april 2012 at 2lbs 3oz.. He is now 4 months 12 days and his last weigh in was around about 9lbs. He spent the first 2 and a half months of his life in hospital and underwent two major surgery's he came home on oxygen but has now been weened off. Whilst all this has been going on I have also been focusing on my two businesses - My clothing label 'Caykie Couture' and my graphic design business. Now my son is home I have alot more time on my hands and although I'm hooked on tumblr and instagram [lol] I feel like I shouldn't abandon my blogspot as I feel it is more personal.. and pretty lol.. So my next post will be a collage of what I have been up to since the last time I posted and from then on things should be pretty back to normal.. I'm going to be adding some changes to the layout also so watch this space. Meanwhile follow me on Instagram : MsStylez - http://Tumblr:

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